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Barrasso: Department of Energy Must Take the China Threat Seriously

<>“We can’t let our research and technology fall into the hands of China’s brutal dictatorship. The Department must dramatically increase its efforts to protect our research from our adversaries.”


<>Click here to watch Senator Barrasso’s opening remarks.


Senator Barrasso’s remarks:

<>“Well said Mr. Chairman. Thank you for holding today’s very important hearing.

<>“Research into advanced computing is critical – critical to maintaining America’s economic growth, our national security, and our leadership in the world.

<>“The Department of Energy – through its network of 17 national labs – plays a very key role in all of those innovations.

<>“The Department has some of the most advanced computing systems in the world.

<>“In fact, the Department has the world’s two fastest supercomputers and a third supercomputer among the world’s top ten.

<>“These systems have pioneered advances in artificial intelligence and in quantum computing.

<>“These are two fields that the People’s Republic of China does seek to dominate.

<>“For this reason, China is watching nearly every move that our national labs make.

<>“Our labs are under constant surveillance by a branch of China’s intelligence network that focuses on science and technology.

<>“This branch alone consists of about one hundred thousand agents.

<>“Beginning under Chairman Mao, this intelligence network has supported the development of China’s nuclear weapons, its missile, and its satellite programs.

<>“And its mission remains the same today –  target foreign technologies useful to the Chinese Communist regime, and acquire them by any means possible.

<>“America’s open research environment is the envy of the world.

<>“It has fostered our greatest scientific achievements.

<>“Yet it is a rich target for China and other adversaries.

<>“As stated by the National Academy of Sciences, the integrity of research is based on the values of ‘objectivity, honesty, openness, fairness, accountability, and stewardship.’

<>“Contrast this with the view of China’s President Xi Jinping.

<>“He recently described science and technology development as a contest to be won.

<>“He stated, ‘The initiatives of innovation and development must be securely kept in our own hands.’

<>“And, ‘whoever holds the key to innovation makes an offensive move,’ he said, ‘in [this] chess game…and will be able to take the lead and win the advantages.’

<>“A 2022 report, titled ‘The Los Alamos Club,’ by Strider Technologies is telling and I have a copy of a report here, mister chairman.

<>“It says between 1987 and 2021, the Chinese Communist Party targeted over 160 Chinese nationals working at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

<>“Upon returning to China, these researchers helped them advance key military technologies using knowledge financed by us, by the American taxpayers.

<>“Today, thousands of non-U.S. resident, Chinese nationals still work at our national labs.

<>“And I believe the majority of these foreign nationals strive to further scientific innovation and collaborate in good faith.

<>“Yet make no mistake.

<>“They are beholden to an authoritarian regime.

<>“And the Chinese Communist Party is ruthless.

<>“Some of these Chinese nationals will see no other choice but to support the Chinese Communist Party through theft of American research and technology – because if they do not comply, their families back in China may be punished.

<>“Others will be tempted through bribery.

<>“Earlier this year, a Chinese national and former software engineer at Google was arrested for stealing on behalf of a Chinese firm, which was paying him secretly.

<>“The U.S. Justice Department has charged this individual with stealing software used to ‘orchestrate’ Google’s supercomputers at the ‘cutting edge of machine learning and A.I. technology.’

<>“In 2020, Congress required the Department of Energy to devise a study of counterintelligence efforts at our national labs.

<>“The Department hired MITRE – a government contractor – to conduct this study.

<>“In April of 2023, MITRE produced an unclassified report.

<>“Upon receiving the report, the Secretary of Energy then decided to classify it.

<>“The Secretary reassigned the Director of the Department’s Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence without explanation.

<>“I have asked the Department to declassify the MITRE report and for the Department to come clean with the American people.

<>“The U.S. Department of Energy has refused.

<>“One can draw many different conclusions from the Department’s stonewalling.

<>“The Department may simply want to hide its failures from the public. 

<>“Whatever the reason, it is clear that the Department of Energy and our national labs have failed to take the China threat seriously.

<>“Mr. Chairman, we can’t let our research and technology fall into the hands of China’s brutal dictatorship.

<>“The Department must dramatically increase its efforts to protect our research from our adversaries.

<>“And Congress must step in if the Department fails to do its job.

<>“Thank you again Mr. Chairman for calling this important hearing.

<><>“I look forward to today’s testimony.”

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